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File Sharing for your CD, DVD, Blu-ray and USB Flash Drive Projects - Made Easy

Please complete the folowing form in its entirety to ensure your file is uploaded successfully. You can upload files up to 25GB in size individually. Questions? Email: info@mediaxpress.net or Phone: 1.800.879.8273

Please indicate if you are sending ARTWORK or CONTENT in the Subject.

Please include your Order or Invoice Number along with any instructions in the Message.

Make sure your art and content files are uploaded correctly.
Please follow these recommendations.

Artwork Upload Specs

IMPORTANT! Compress your files into a single ZIP or ISO file.
Windows: Right+click to compress your files.
Mac: Control+click to compress your files.

A.Send vector-based artwork when possible. If vector-based artwork is not possible, 300 DPI is the minimum resolution of all raster artwork.

B.Save all artwork in CMYK gamut whenever possible; RGB gamut artwork may require manipulation.

C. Artwork in Pantone® or Duotone gamut will be accepted, but needs to be saved and setup correctly as an EPS or native file. Note: Preferred development applications are: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, InDesign and QuarkXpress.

Additional charges may apply if your files are NOT uploaded in accordance with these specifications.

Content Upload Specs

IMPORTANT! Compress your files into a single ZIP or ISO file.
Windows: Right+click to compress your files.
Mac: Control+click to compress your files.

ISO – ISO files (disc image files) ARE accepted. Other image formats, such as .CUE, .DMG, .IMG, .BIN can also work, but .ISO is the ideal format if you are uploading content on a disc image file.

Audio – MediaXpress is NOT responsible for registering many submitted music files with iTunes. Nor is MediaXpress responsible for creating track identification titles or assigning the order in which the tracks play back.

Audio files are ONLY accepted as AIFF, WAV, FLAC (all preferred) or MP3 files. No other formats are accepted. All audio files should be encoded with a sample rate of 44.1 kHz and in 2-channel (Stereo). The bit rate depends on the file type and should be as follows:

Additional charges may apply if your files are NOT uploaded in accordance with these specifications.

AIFF,WAV and FLAC: 16-bit
MP3 files: bit rate between 128kb/s and 320 kb/s

If you choose to have your CD mastered by the MediaXpress audio engineers, we can accept any file format.

Video – files are ONLY accepted as: AVCHD, AVI, DV, MOV, MPEG-1/2/4, VOB, VIDEO_TS folder. No other formats are accepted.

If you choose to mail us your video master DVD, DVD+r disc/s, do not duplicate them. Rather, use a standard DVD or DVD-r disc and mail to:
Attn: Video Production
1515 Nicollet Ave. So.
Minneapolis, MN 55403